Last Monday, I mentioned that one of the contacts, I had made while looking for work during the winter season Alaska, had forwarded my information to another. I received an email from that second contact early last week, and and a phone from him call last Friday evening. None of what he and I discussed was encouraging, but I appreciate a realistic assessment to something otherwise. Please take a look at the note from Mikio "Mike" Ito (owner and operator of Asia & Pacific Tours and then I'll relay our phone conversation:
Hello Chris-san,
Than you for the inquiry.
We are looking for tour guide who can work following season.
Work location is around Fairbanks
From the end of November through first week of April
What type of work: Tour guide, driver, tour desk and winter gear preparation, etc.
Wage $8:50 ~$12 depends on experience, plus gratuity from clients.
Housing: The company has 3 bed room housing. All facilities are already there.
The company deduct $8 per day from the wage.
It is limited bed room, so can not guarantee single room.
Work compensation: Company offer
Health insurance: A new employee have to wait for three months to enroll.
Work location is based at Anchorage.
From the first of June through the middle of September.
If you have interest, please call me.
I would like to speak with you in Japanese.
Mikio ItoA&P Tours, Inc.
So, there you have it. The conversation we had Friday followed much the same format: the jobs start in late-November and don't pay a whole lot. Mikio said it was everything he could do to keep his skeleton staff working. I understood the pay situation what I didn't understand (until he told me) was the late start date. He asked me to forward my resume and suggested that I stop in to see him when I arrive in Anchorage.
Mikio is not the only game in town. That said, he mentioned that most summer seasonal help was out of town by September 1st. I am still curious about what might be possible and am heading in that direction soon.
Tuesday Morning Start Time
I have been working diligently and expect I will be out Tuesday morning, Wednesday at the very latest! The packing is coming together nicely and the weather is cooperating by dropping the humidity. I am getting some ideas for losing weight (in the car) and am packing so that various items are segmented: tent items in one place, electrical (inverter, cords, etc.) in another, business clothes wrapped up and on the roof, tire irons-jacks-tools in the trunk, blah, blah blah! Anyway, it's coming together.
Point of Clarification
In the earlier blogs there are some pictures of a roof top tent. This went by the wayside because of some damage in shipping. The distributor was very kind in offering to do this. I would have loved a new tent but the distributors contact was dragging his feet. I suggest looking into this type of tent if you are considering a long trip. It's relatively inexpensive ($1,250) when compared to RV alternatives and pops up in seconds, ready for sleeping (with bedding already in it)
Gotta stay focused here, talk with you again soon!
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